
-the art of reknitting-

Does your knit garment need some love? Send it our way! Our passion is to give your things a second life.

How We Do It


The broken thread (yarn) is pulled back and locked into place. A new piece of yarn is “stolen” from the sweater, usually from side seams. The new thread is knitted into the sweater. Depending on the color of the sweater, the reknit is as good as new, or may look slightly heavy. If we cannot take yarn from the garment, we will find (or shop for) the best match possible.

Notice in the photos how the hole in the knit is repaired with almost no visible sign of the repair.

after - close up of knit fabric with no hole
before - close up of knit fabric with a hole in it

Let us repair your knit garment!

old black and white photo of an elderly woman looking to the side wearing a knit sweater and glasses

Our Hope

We want you to feel confident in yourself and leave our shop knowing you received quality service from people who care about you.