
-the art of reweaving-

Do you have a damaged garment that needs some love? Send it our way! Our passion is to give your things a second life.

How We Do It

French Weaving

This technique is used primarily for small bug damage or snags. The weaver takes threads from the garment itself, from hidden seams/areas, and replaces each broken thread, one at a time.

She follows the weave of the garment, using magnifying glasses and a special needle. This type of reweaving usually produces invisible, miraculous results.

The photos below show these remarkable results in the before and after images from a damaged garment.

after- close up of the previous fabric with no hole in it
before - close up of fabric with a small hole in it


The weaver takes a piece of fabric from a hidden area of the garment, matching the direction and pattern of the damaged area. Using a special latch needle and magnifying glasses, the fabric piece is woven into a blocked area around the damage. Then the cut out area is replaced with lining.

The overweave can show as a faint square, especially in light tan colors. Usually, however, it is unnoticeable to a person not aware of the repair.

Below is a photo of a damaged lapel on the left, and a repair of the fabric using overweaving on the right.

after - close up of repaired lapel
before - close up of damaged torn lapel

The Art of French Weaving

Featuring our very own Tammy Kampschroeder, owner of Amazing Garment Repair.

Watch the video to see the art of French Weaving in action!

Let us repair your garment!

Our Hope

We want you to feel confident in yourself and leave our shop knowing you received quality service from people who care about you.